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Imagination is the only place where the human soul feels at home

— Terrence McKenna


Disclosure: I have never defined myself as an “artist.” I am a graphic designer by profession, and I love to give shape and color to different art forms. Recently I found myself participating in exhibitions, after I “shed light” on my own, very personal work, daring exposure to the general public. This process gives me great excitement and provides me closure of an important circle. Today I am healthy and busy making art, telling my story to share another perspective with medical staff and to encourage other patients like me.


Why? A few years ago, I became sick. While it was not that disease, it was a painful and disturbing illness that shook me to my core. I released my pain and fear into my CT scans. I focused on the encounter, connecting the “objective” and the “subjective” expressions of my feelings, from my soul and the afflictions of my body. I went through various medical processes as a result of this illness, which opened all my barriers, literally—health and creativity.


How? Since then, when the muse takes over (especially at night), I dive into my keyboard and create the digital collages that swirl in my head.  The collages I create consist of digital drawings (using Logitech’s Harmony software), photographic elements, color surfaces, processed together in Photoshop, until the moment I feel that the eye is happy and the hands relax, and the imagination has become a reality of form and color.


Who am I? I am Michal, a professional graphic designer and an artist in my very being. With an open mind and an observing eye, I create, breathe, and live the colors and shapes. I give freedom to my imagination and get excited about creating something new each time, beginning with a single black line.


Enlightenment and comment: “I have no great message for the nation,” but it is clear to me that when the body is sick, it is important to listen to the soul, allowing it to handle the “body” that contains it, so that the hand and the soul flow and create in its own unique way.
